Degrees from Oxford and UCL in Law and History. City lawyer. Senior Partner of a major international law firm. Got over the wall. City of London Tour Guide (prestigious battle honour to add to the Oxford and UCL complement). Garners no end of rave reviews for his tours. Donates all his guiding income to charity. Special guy(de) indeed.
Friday, 14 February 2025 @ 2.30 pm (Click here for more dates)
"tiny gas-lit alleyways, unknown even to many Londoners..." N.B. Guide Ian donates all of his fee to charities!
Tuesday, 18 February 2025 @ 10.45 am (This walk goes every Tuesday)
N.B. Guides Ian and David G. donate all of their fees to charities! The beneficiary charity for each walk will be announced at the start of the walk.
Tuesday, 18 February 2025 @ 2.15 pm (This walk goes every Tuesday)
N.B. Guides Ian and David G. donate all of their fees to charities! The beneficiary charity for each walk will be announced at the start of the walk.
Ever since William the Conqueror (aka William the Bastard) hit the scene in 1066, legitimacy has been a life or death issue for the Royals. Guided by Ian
Combines highlights of our “Old Jewish Quarter” and “Jewish London” Walks N.B. Guide Ian donates his fee to the World Jewish Relief’s Ukraine and Turkey/Syria earthquake Crises appeals!
"William the Conqueror!" N.B. Guide Ian donates 100 percent of his fee to the Horizon Scandal Fund! And London Walks donates 75 percent of its commission to the Fund.
What did the Romans ever do for us? We know what guide Ian does for the Ukraine and earthquake crisis appeals – he donates his fee.
"the first duty of society is justice"