This excursion will be back soon. In the meantime we’d be happy to organise a private tour for you. Please contact us on 020 7624 3978 | [email protected] to make a booking.
This excursion will be back soon. In the meantime we’d be happy to organise a private tour for you. Please contact us on 020 7624 3978 | [email protected] to make a booking.
Westminster tube station, London
Guided by Sue
Adult: £20 · Students & Seniors: £15 · Children: £5
Short Version: Passion & Perversion in High Places AKA More Sex, Please – We’re British!
Long Version: Here’s one that’ll flutter your wind-chimes! It’s the real, x-rated London you’ve never – make that NEVER – imagined! From the covered-up scandals of Parliament to the OPENLY practised perversions of the aristocracy, from Harrison’s List of young ladies fresh from the country and ready and willing to the “actresses” and rakes of Haymarket, from the “nuns” of St. James’s to “below the counter” in Soho. You’ll need a stiff drink – if not a dose of smelling salts – after this lot! So, yes, More Sex Please, We’re British– this is, after all, this Valentine’s Season’s Tour du Jour! And look, full disclosure – this is a light-hearted look at London’s sexual mores and misbehaviour, past and present. How and when and where the great and the good were caught with their trousers round their ankles, usually with a hopeless, hapless, bedraggled, seen-better-days fig leaf of hypocrisy compounding the compromising particulars. Guided by Sue.
The Naughty Valentine Season Walk – Passion & Perversion in High Places takes place at 10.45 am on Saturday, xxxx. Meet Sue just outside exit 5 of WestminsterTube.
If you can’t make one of the regularly scheduled, just-turn-up, The Naughty Valentine Season Walk it can always be booked as a private tour. If you go private you can have the The Naughty Valentine Season Walk walk – or any other London Walk – on a day and at a time that suits your convenience. We’ll tailor it to your requirements. Ring Fiona or Mary on 020 7624 3978 or email us at [email protected] and we’ll set it up and make it happen for you. A private London Walk – they’re good value for an individual or couple and sensational value for a group – makes an ideal group or educational or birthday party or office (team-building) or club outing.
A private London Walk makes a fab gift – be it a birthday or anniversary or Christmas present or whatever. Merchandise schmerchandise (gift wrapped or not) – but giving someone an experience, now that’s special. Memories make us rich.