Meet Your Guide – Brad from Paris Walks

Famously, London Walks has got over the wall. Thanks to Covid. We’re now doing virtual tours in foreign parts. The first three were in, respectively, Rome, Venice and Florence. They were guided by Anna, who’s a London Walks guide. A London Walks guide who guides in London and in Italy.

This Friday (February 26th) we take another step. Paris. But this one is not Paris by a London Walks guide. It’s Paris by a Paris Walks guide. Brad. Paris Walks has been going for nearly 30 years now. It was started by an English couple, Oriel and Peter, who’d emigrated to Paris and now have lived there for getting on for 40 years. They and their guides are completely au fait with things Parisian – the language, the history, the culture, the works (including, yes, the cafes), etc. etc.

So these – Paris Walks guides – are not 20-year-old college students who are “just passing through”, 20-year-old college students for whom “guiding” is “a summer job” and a memorised script. Their guides, like ours, are accomplished professionals – Brad’s got a Ph.D in history – who’ve lived in Paris for many years, who are completely fluent in the language, the culture, the history, etc.

Brad is one of their ace guides. He lives in Montmartre. And sure enough, this first one that he’s doing for us – and for Paris Walks – is his Montmartre virtual tour. So a proper, top-flight, real guide who’s guiding his neighbourhood. Local knowledge par excellence.

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