He liked to gie it laldy on a regular basis – auld lang syne on Hogmanay

Adam at his best. So moving – catch in the throat fare. But also informative, eye-opening, really. To say nothing of quotable in the extreme. “We arrive where extremes meet… reveling in the telling of fine bogy tales…the meeting point of the pious and the profane is always a happy hunting ground for the Scots storyteller…a powerful mystic time of the year…absent friends assemble for the revels (Graham will be there, ditto Keith)…”

And, yes, Peace and Love and Health in 2021.

Adam will be gie-ing it laldy – telling some fine bogy tales – on his upcoming ghost walk. At this “powerful, mystic time of the year.”


One response to “He liked to gie it laldy on a regular basis – auld lang syne on Hogmanay”

  1. John Green (Kevin M's friend, Sarah's Dad). says:

    Dear Mr. Scott-Goulding,
    Thanks for the podcast.
    It’s a super narrative.
    Reminds me of listening to ‘Letter from America’, by Alistair Cooke; you never knew what was coming next, each bit was interesting by itself and it all coalesced in the end to make an illuminating and fascinating commentary.
    I hope it’s all right to say that.
    Best wishes for a safe and prosperous 2021.
    Thank you.

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