And now for something completely different

It never occurred t0 us. But what a welcome surprise it’s been. I’m talking about “the social dimension” of the Virtual Tours. I mean, the “walkers” are scattered far and wide – hundreds, even thousands of miles away from London and from one another. But of course the technology brings them together, teleports them into the same “space.” It’s actually got quite a bit in common with, say, a group of people having a get together in a pub at the end of a shoe-leather-on-pavement walking tour. And in these “locked down” times – this season of draconian limited social contact – it’s a huge pleasure to see other people, see both new and familiar faces. (Six months along since we started doing the virtual tours some faces now are indeed familiar – the “regulars” now do know one another. But there are also always some newcomers – first-timers. It makes for a nice mix.) The interaction – yes, mediated through the guide, because it is a kind of Q & A session – at “walk’s” end is, well, in its own small way, life-enhancing. Even those who don’t speak are clearly listening and taking on board and more often than not nodding but, yes, sometimes dissenting. It’s a thumbs up time, a positive time, a good thing. An unexpected and valuable bonus.

So I thought for this podcast I’d set out one of those “10th inning” sessions. It’s straight out of the oven. It’s the Q & A session that wound up the Mozart in London Virtual Tour that Adam gave earlier this evening (November 19th) as part of his Music in London series of Virtual Tours.

It’ll help to fill in the picture a little bit – give you a bit more of an idea what a Virtual Tour is like, what goes down on one.


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