This is a tour de force. The Greek root of the word analyse means “to release.” That’s what Laura does here. There are depths of meaning, intensity of feeling, profound history and biography, stories aplenty in the Women of World II Memorial on Whitehall. Laura “releases” those meanings, feelings, sensations – the flavours – that are in that memorial, in those “coats and uniforms” hanging there. A complex kind of delight, a profound sense of wonder – that’s what she gifts us with here. The madding crowd will go on barely paying it any notice. They don’t get it. You will. Enriched, that’s you. That stretch of Whitehall will be changed, changed utterly for you. Time and again you’ll “look closely,” see how those garments “hold the memories of the women’s physical presence within them,” see those women, see “what sort of women” they were. See – and wonder. Profoundly.