This podcast is an excerpt from the second episode of the London A to Z Virtual Tour series. The second episode covers the letters D, E and F. As always with the A to Z series, it’s a two-guide performance. Simon covers the letter D and the letter F. And Russell – yes, you got it in one – covers the letter E.
Our excerpt is a fairly big chunk of Simon’s whistle-stop tour of the letter D. It is, quite simply, a tour de force. Charmingly, it starts “at home” – Simon lives on Devonshire Road in Forest Hill in Lewisham. So, hooray, Simon takes us home. Gets us underway with a delightful disquisition (letter D, remember) on personal ‘local London.’ And then he’s off to the West End and… well, you’ll see. Ok, you’ll hear.
And speaking of hearing – the usual reminder that Simon’s Wifi periodically misbehaves so there will be the occasional moment when it sounds as if Simon’s slurring his words. He isn’t and it only lasts a second each time – but that’s what’s going on; nothing to do with Simon, everything to do with his area’s gimpy Wifi service.