It’s Friday – bonus podcast day.
This one’s from Superstar guide, Adam.
It’s the last four minutes or so of Adam’s Virtual Tour of the Regent’s Canal.
Adam’s Regents Canal Tour is one of the episodes in Liquid London, the 8-part Virtual Tour series created by Adam and his colleagues, Karen, Fiona, Russell and Simon.
It is just a taster but what comes across unmistakably is that this is a brilliant guide, a world-class guide. Adam’s witty, fun, playful, friendly, and of course very well informed. Seeing his London – seeing London with him – you’re in the Winner’s Circle.
The other reason I’ve chosen this extract for this Friday Special is Adam and Team London Walks are
up for a major award, the 2022 Tourism Superstar Award.
And to put it very bluntly, we don’t just want to win it, we need to win it. We need to win it for reasons of morale but also for the puff of wind it’ll put into our sagging sails. Two years of this pandemic has got this much loved little walking tour company right up against the wall. We need a boost. Winning a major award – it’s a nationwide competition – would be that boost. More than a boost, a lifeline.
I’d add that it’s not a competition that’s judged, it’s a competition that’s like an election – the winner is the one who gets the most votes.
So this is also an ask – please vote for us, please vote for Adam and his colleagues. There are a couple of links on the homepage. Just click on either of them – they’ll take you to the polling station, wait a second or two and the ballot will come up. When it comes up just put a tick in the circle beside our name, beside London Walks Guide Team, hit the Vote Now button and it’s a done deed, you’ve cast your ballot, you’ve come to the aid of this beleaguered little walking tour company. Many thanks indeed.
And on that note, here’s Adam, out and about on the Regent’s Canal.