And here’s the second Friday “special” podcast for April 29th.
It’s archaeologist Kevin telling us about his Myths and Legends of London Tour. Where we go and what we see and why it’s important.
It’s a potent combination, marrying together the hard, irreducible facts of archaeology and the stirring, tease-out-of-thought evanescences of myths and legends.
Excavations that revolutionised the archaeology of London and legends and legends that are like ancient cobwebs that bear witness to the very beginning of London time, what’s not to like about that dance to the music of London time. Here’s Kevin telling us about it…
“A city is much better if it keeps in tune with its legends”
“the oddest church in London”
“Legends are interesting not least because they’ve lasted so long”
“excavations that revolutionised the archaeology of London”