Abbey Road Studios & the Band of Bands

Compliments of Richard P., “the pied piper of Beatlemania.”

This is the first of two clips from Richard’s Beatles & Abbey Road Studios Virtual Tour. We’ve never put up two clips from a Virtual Tour before but how could we not with this one?

For starters, the main part of the tour was fascinating so, for sure, in due course we’ll put up a clip from the “main action”, the formal part of the presentation.

But we’re going to open the proceedings – devote this podcast – to a clip made up of the Q & A session that took place when the formal part of the tour ended.

We thought we’d put this up because it’s a perfect example of what often happens in these “Afterwords.” They – the “Afterwords”, the informal Q & A sessions after the tour crosses the finish line, are often richly rewarding in their own right. Richly rewarding as well as being just generally agreeable: friendly, sociable, good-natured, fun.

That was certainly the case with this one. Lots of interesting comments and questions but one, in particular, was a show-stopper. There was a lady on the tour, Deborah, whose father bought the Cavern in Liverpool when she was a teenager. As she cheerfully admitted she was “fanatical about the Cavern and the Beatles.” In consequence was able to regale us with the most wonderful personal memories of “being there”, of those early days of the Fab Four at the Cavern. Hearing from her – she comes in at about 8 minutes into the clip – was a huge and unexpected bonus.

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