Here’s a great “grab” from Adam’s Judy Garland in London Virtual Tour.
The Judy Garland suite, Chelsea, Abbey Road, Judy’s last recording, etc. This extract is taken from near the end of the tour. Translated into dinner terms, this is the coffee and dessert course. It’s wonderfully tasty, wonderfully rich.
The most quotable of all London Walks guides, Adam is a joy to listen to. Everything from “he liked actresses, that’s what he liked” to “Hitler’s secret weapon” to “that’s a pretty ballsy move to sing that peace song” to “he painted the HMV dog, Nipper” to “hotel historians are ‘on message’ with the hotel” to “meticulous eye for detail” to “she came here when she was not on business” to “wonderful sordid places, the pleasure gardens” to “it was a calamitous flop”, to “the last thing she needed was LSD-addicted, cocaine sniffing Lionel Bart as her manager” to “let’s have a look from above the chimney tops” to “if you go through life with that attitude the Grand Canyon’s just a big hole in the ground – it’s what went on in this building”, etc.