This excursion will be back soon. In the meantime we’d be happy to organise a private tour for you. Please contact us on 020 7624 3978 | [email protected] to make a booking.

Plague, Fire, Hellfire, Revolution

This walk is temporarily suspended. We hope to bring it back soon but in the meantime why not read all about it to whet your appetite!

Tower Hill underground station, London (meet by the Tower Hill Tram coffee stand)

Guided by Fiona or Isobel or Simon W.

Adult: £20 · Students & Seniors: £15 · Children: £5

Short read: Rendezvous with history

Long read: Best mix of all for a London Walk – turbulent times, private passions, rarefied route, iconic interiors, bewitching byways, gifted guides. (Not just gifted – award-winning: IsobelSimon W. and Fiona, winner of the big one, the Visit London Guide of the Year Award.) Welcome to the special place – the classical city. And the special time – the 17th-century: “that supremely interesting period of English history.” What a city it was. Every view inflected, steeples above the houses, St. Paul’s o’ertopping all – Sir Christopher Wren ringing the changes infallibly. Three centuries on a surprising amount of the classical city survives. But it’s hidden – the pearl in the oyster. Come upon it unawares you feel you’ve walked into another dimension – London cracks into poetry. That’s the London we discover* on this walk. Everything from a rare surviving mediaeval church – there’s no better gauge of Wren’s achievement – to St. Paul’s itself. Betwixt and between we take in* the church regarded as the world’s most perfect building (if it doesn’t stop you in your tracks nothing will – miss the Tower of London, if you have to, but don’t miss this little church). And that rarefied route? Try cobble-stone, crook-backed little lanes and alleyways that breathe the history of bloody, flaming, poxy London

*The London we discover. The classical city and trimmings. Some trimmings. This walk’s an outdoor museum. The Museum of the Lost City. Its 17 stops – 17 pearls in a pan of gravel – are core samples into London’s past. Into its history. Yes, we concentrate on the classical city. But Roman, Saxon, Mediaeval, Renaissance, Jacobean, Georgian, Victorian, Manhattanisation – it’s all here.


The meeting point is just outside the exit of Tower Hill Tube (by the Tower Hill Tram coffee stall). 

*Every Tuesday in the Summer London Walks programme, which runs from May 1 – October 31.





“Even jaded Londoners find these London Walks a source of astonishing gems of information about the city in which they live.”  Daily Mail, Top London Treats

“by far the most impressive series of walks that I have ever encountered are those offered by London Walks”  Travel & Enjoy

“Best Tourism Experience in London”  Gold Medal Winner, Visit London


If you can’t make one of the regularly scheduled, just-turn-up, public Plague, Fire, Hellfire, Revolution walks do think about booking one as a private tour. If you go private you can have the Plague, Fire, Hellfire, Revolution walk – or any other London Walk – on a day and at a time that suits your convenience. We’ll tailor it to your requirements. Ring Fiona or Noel on 020 7624 3978 or email us at [email protected] and we’ll set it up and make it happen for you. A private London Walk is good value for an individual or couple and sensational value for a group. And the clincher: a private London Walk makes an ideal group or educational or birthday party or office (team-building) or club outing.


A private London Walk makes a very special, thoughtful, unusual gift.  Be it a birthday or anniversary or graduation or Christmas present or whatever. Merchandise schmerchandise (gift wrapped or not) – but giving someone an experience, now that’s special. Memories make us rich.


Don’t just take it from us.