Dum Spiro, Spero (Latin: “While I breathe, I hope”). The motto of the Kingdom of Sarawak.
I’m writing this at 11.15 pm on December 31, 2020. Thinking, I like it, Sarawak, that’s pretty much how we feel as well.
But let’s up the ante a little bit.
Namely: “While we breathe, we hope. And strive. And soldier on.”
So there you have it, coming out of 2020 that’s where London Walks is coming from. And heading.
Practicals? Well, does look, doesn’t it, as if we might be here – locked down – for a while. A marathon rather than a sprint.
To borrow the children’s story, we, London Walks and London Walks guides, for nine months now have been building a tough, sturdy, wonderful house of bricks. A house with a lot of rooms. A house that’s Covid-proof. That house of bricks – “house” hardly does it justice, it’s really a mansion, has over 200 rooms – is the Virtual Tours. It includes a couple of huge dens where we’re storing the sticks and the straw for those other houses – known as live outdoor walks. And those sticks and straws will come out and go up overnight – yes, overnight – when Covid is finally seen off.
So that’s all really. Except to thank all of you for your support. And to salute this wonderful group of guides.
And to say, finally, you ain’t seen nothing yet. 200+ virtual tours – we’re just getting started. No better measure of that than the breakout tours later this month to Rome, Venice, Athens…
London – all over London – goes without saying. But, hey – watch us – cuz we’ve slipped the surly bonds of the North Circular, the South Circular, the M-25, etc.
Happy New Year everybody! Happy trails, Happy travels.