Conan Hales is not a guide.* We wish he was. Not a guide but part of the team because of the contribution he’s made with his photography, especially his shots of Hampstead Heath. In recognition of which, he takes his place here. Conan Hales was born and currently lives in London. In between those two events, his global jobs have taken him to Tokyo, Sydney and Singapore. As a side note, across London, about 69% of babies have at least one parent born abroad (ONS) and he is no exception, nor is his daughter.
Conan got into photography when his late Japanese uncle introduced him to an Olympus OM10 camera at an early age before the age of Instagram. We all owe Conan’s Japanese uncle a debt of gratitude. Comparisons are invidious but I (David) would single out Conan’s photographs of Hampstead Heath (they can be found on Instagram under the pen name c0nanh). And if you’re wondering – and you will be, in both senses of the word – many of them were taken just before sunrise during early runs. He is also an avid cyclist but draws the line at outdoor swimming as he finds the Hampstead pond waters rather cold on the best of days. *We hope he doesn’t draw the line at perhaps becoming a guide one day, starting with photographic tours.